Topic: Courtship & Dating
Courtship Blog Posts:

Let’s Love Joshua Harris
When Joshua Harris announced that he was separating from his wife, I grieved. When he announced he no longer identified as a Christian, I grieved again. When I read the comments on his announcements, I grieved further still. Christians can be so mean sometimes. As...

The Audiobook for Courtship in Crisis is Here!
At long last, Courtship in Crisis is now an audiobook! This was a much-requested addition. This was my first audiobook to narrate, so please forgive my rookie performance in your reviews. Buy: Amazon | Audible I would like to thank Jonathan Morgan for producing...

Thomas Umstattd talks with Joshua Harris about his book I Kissed Dating Goodbye. What Harris says will shock you.

Homeschooling in Real Life: Is Courtship Better Than Dating?

How do I say “no” to a second date without being mean?
The following post is a selection from my book Courtship in Crisis. If we can get this right as a community, it will make Traditional Dating a lot easier for everyone. Thomas, I want on a date with J and while we had a good time, I don’t think we’re a good fit. Don’t...

The Courtship Prosperity Gospel
A few days ago I received a Facebook message from a homeschool mother who was very angry about my book, Courtship in Crisis, which she had not read. The message came to me while I was feeling low, so I did something I don’t normally do to people who send me angry Facebook messages. I responded.

25+ “Approved” Courtship Pickup Lines
There has been a lot of serious discussion about Why Courtship is Fundamentally Flawed that I thought it would be a good idea to take a break and have some fun. Here are 25 “approved” courtship pickup lines…

Help End the Courtship Crisis: Buy a Copy Today
A year ago today I wrote a blog post titled Why Courtship is Fundamentally Flawed. I hoped to reach 10,000 people. It ended up reaching over 1,000,000 people, led to a successful Kickstarter campaign, and the book Courtship in Crisis which came out just over a week...

The 4000 Year History of Courtship – From Bride Prices to Bundling Beds
Many conservatives think, “back in the day, people were more holy.” But the Scriptures paint a different story. Solomon tells us, “History merely repeats itself. It has all been done before. Nothing under the sun is truly new” (Ecclesiastes 1:9). According to Paul,...

The Confidence Crisis: Why Women Feel Unwanted and Men Feel Undateable
Are all the great guys taken? Are there really no amazing single women left? Could it be that the problem is that our perceptions are shaped by our confidence?