The Courtship Prosperity Gospel

The Courtship Prosperity Gospel

A few days ago I received a Facebook message from a homeschool mother who was very angry about my book, Courtship in Crisis, which she had not read. The message came to me while I was feeling low, so I did something I don’t normally do to people who send me angry Facebook messages. I responded.

Is Thomas Umstattd Jr. Married?

Is Thomas Umstattd Jr. Married?

Last year I wrote a blog post titled Why Courtship is Fundamentally Flawed. In that post, I explained how I went from a courtship advocate running to no longer believing that Modern Courtship is a viable model for most people. The post went...
Friendzones, Bromances, and Why You Shouldn’t Marry Your Best Friend

Friendzones, Bromances, and Why You Shouldn’t Marry Your Best Friend

The English language has a problem. We only have one word for “love”. You could say “I love my son. I love pizza. I love my Country. I love my wife. I love God. God loves me.” Each of these sentences are grammatically valid uses of the word “love” and yet convey entirely different concepts. This confusion of language can become a confusion of thought for English speakers.