Spoken Prayer and Our Insecurities (Praying Aloud Part 4)
Praying aloud can be scary particularly in a group setting where others can agree or disagree.
Praying aloud can be scary particularly in a group setting where others can agree or disagree.
If you can write company checks in the boss’ name it means you have his authority to spend company money.
In that same way Jesus allows us to act in his name.
We live in a world spoken into existence. The power of God’s tongue created the world. He made us in His image and our tongues have power as well.
Someone recently asked me what the point was to all these pro-life marches. We have marched a lot in recent weeks so the question is valid. I would like to submit the following 5 reasons why we should march for life.
Someone once asked me. “Why should we bother to voice our prayers when God already knows our thoughts?” In response I have come up with four benefits to praying aloud.