Share these soundbites from Courtship in Crisis on Twitter (and elsewhere!) to help jump-start the conversation about Traditional Dating.
Millennials are kissing marriage goodbye like no other generation. #CourtshipInCrisis Click To Tweet
We have one generation that won’t stay married and another that won’t get married. #CourtshipInCrisis Click To Tweet
America is unique in the western world in that it has no clear tradition of Arranged Marriage. #CourtshipInCrisis Click To Tweet
A young man is unlikely to ask a young woman to coffee when that invitation is tantamount to a marriage proposal. #CourtshipInCrisis Click To Tweet
Dating, something that was once fun, safe, and effective, transformed into a series of exclusive, intense, and heartbreaking relationships. Click To Tweet
If you’re a woman and you want men to treat you with respect, Modern Dating is not the system for you. Click to Tweet
In #TraditionalDating, the man has to fight for the woman’s heart. This fight forces him to be both honorable and intentional. Click to Tweet
Modern Dating’s promise that living together first will lead to a happier marriage is a lie. #CourtshipInCrisis Click to Tweet
Adding sex to dating is like putting ketchup on cookies. They aren’t good together. #CourtshipInCrisis Click to Tweet
Parents in Traditional Dating see themselves as coaches rather than kings. #CourtshipInCrisis Click to Tweet
Accountability without love can be toxic. #CourtshipInCrisis Click to Tweet
Depending on purity rules to keep us pure is like depending on The Law to make us righteous. #CourtshipInCrisis Click to Tweet
Modern Courtship is not in the Bible. Calling it “biblical dating” doesn’t make it biblical. #CourtshipInCrisis Click to Tweet
How can we say with certainty that a courtship system is biblical when even the biblical writers hesitate to do so? #CourtshipInCrisis Click to Tweet
Is it possible to focus so much on purity that we lose sight of the Gospel? #CourtshipInCrisis Click to Tweet
What would the Church look like if we prayed for those struggling as hard as we policed them? #CourtshipInCrisis Click to Tweet
Getting too serious too soon is a problem that Modern Dating and Modern Courtship share. #CourtshipInCrisis Click to Tweet
If you think like a scientist, you might discover some chemistry. #CourtshipInCrisis Click to Tweet
A smart woman leaves the man wanting more at the end of every date. A smart man does the same. #CourtshipInCrisis Click to Tweet
Like a fire, what starts a relationship is not what sustains it. #CourtshipInCrisis Click to Tweet
The Modern Courtship movement traded casual for intense and traded fun for awkward. It’s time to redeem casual relationships. Click to Tweet
If you’re not ready to identify publicly as a couple, you’re not ready to go steady. #CourtshipInCrisis Click to Tweet
Making a date “just a date” and not a quasi-wedding proposal makes everything less intimidating. #CourtshipInCrisis Click to Tweet
Ultimately we find our confidence in God, and God uses humans to encourage us. #CourtshipInCrisis Click to Tweet
True confidence can’t come from others. It comes only from God. #CourtshipInCrisis Click to Tweet
You never truly know God loves you when you fail, until you fail and experience God’s love. #CourtshipInCrisis Click to Tweet