For those of you who live outside Texas please forgive this post. We are having an important election and I feel it is important we vote in the right folks.
Five Voting Tips
Here are some general principles use:
- Don’t vote because you recognize the name. If you recognize their name, they were probably a hooligan caught in some scandal. Or they are the richest candidate. Or the press likes them the most. All bad reasons.
- If you don’t know anything about either candidate don’t vote for either one.
- Don’t water down the votes of the informed voters.
- Print out a sample ballot before you go to the polls. You don’t want to be surprised by a race you don’t recognize. To find your sample ballot just google “YourCountyName County Sample Ballot.” Here are two you may find helpful:
- Vote early. Chances are something will happen on election day and you won’t get around to voting. Make sure you vote by voting early.
- The challenger is generally safer than the incumbent. Elected officials tend to compromise the longer they stay in office. The challenger who has yet to compromise and is often the safer bet.
- Bring someone with you to the polls. Most Christians only vote once every two years for president. They don’t realize that was the least important election of the year. Your friends probably don’t know about the election. Bring a friend and double your vote.
My Voting Philosophy
I vote pro-life first, if the race effects life and most do.
Then, I tend to pick:
- Candidates with integrity (when I can tell which is hard).
- Candidates who want to promote liberty and personal responsibility.
- Challengers over incumbents.
- Tea Party folks over Old Guard Republicans.
- Candidates who see the Church as the answer instead of the government.
Statewide Races
Here are my picks:
- Governor: Rick Perry & Debra Medina (I will be personally voting for Debra Medina)
- Supreme Court Place 3: Rick Green
- Supreme Court Place 9: Eva Guzman
- Railroad Commissioner: Victor Carrillo
- Full Voters Guide
Full Voter’s Guide
I put together a one page voters guide you can take with you into the voting booth. It has local races as well as state wide races. If it doesn’t have all your candidates see the resources below.
- Download the Thomas Umstattd Voters Guide (PDF)
- You are welcome to share this guide with your friends.
- It is legal to take this Voters Guide into the voting booth with you.
Helpful Voting Resources
These are some of the resources I used to put together my voting guide.
- Texas Early Voting Locations (March 2010)
- Texas Alliance for Life Voter’s Guide (March 2010)
- Free Market Foundation Voter’s Guide (March 2010)
- Texas Right to Life Voter’s Guide (March 2010)
- Texas Homeschool Coalition Endorsements (March 2010)
- Christian Voter’s Guide
What Do You Think?
- Do you agree with my picks?
- Why?
- Have you voted yet?
Thanks for posting these awesome guides!
Way to go, Thomas. Thanks for the helpful reminders and the short list of good candidates.
Hello Thomas,
Would you kindly direct me to a web site or forward list of “who” to vote for. I wish to vote only for pro-life, pro-Isreal, and of course fiscally responsible candidates.
The sites I have visited only have blank responses or terribly limited info. I wish a blank ballot for family to follow with the preferred candidates selected (as do friends also seeking this info.)
Thank you ,
Mary E. Williamson
Harvard, Ma 01451
The Texas Alliance for Life has a custom voters guide on their website