Want to change the world?

Want to change the world?

If you look closely you can see me in that video. Patriot Academy will give you three things: Learn about the legislative process from the inside. Write bills, get them through committee and then debate them on the actual House of Texas floor. Learn how to analyze...
Want to change the world?

Ron Paul Money Bomb

If you don’t know who Ron Paul is or why is the best presidential candidate in a generation you should check out this video. He’s pro-life and a true conservative. Ron Paul has raised over 8 million dollars and today we are bombing his campaign with money....
Want to change the world?

The Solution to the Jena Six Problem

The “Jenna Six” incident is the sad effect of racial hatred. These six boys assaulted a white boy kicking him repeatedly. But this now national incident is the outcome of months of retaliatory racial hatred on both sides. This hatred is the root problem and it is...